A couple of weeks ago we had Stake Conference. It was in St. Cloud, which is about 45 minutes away. Darren and I wanted to attend the adult session on Saturday and also conference on Sunday morning but felt it would not work for our family. We came up with the idea to go and stay at a hotel so we could do both. We surprised the kids and didn't tell them until 2 hours before leaving. They were so excited.

All the kids went upstairs and packed immediately, even though we had to wait for the girls to take their naps. Josh was so excited he carried his suitcase,
blankie and teddy around for about an hour before we left.
Rylie in the van with all her pets. She is not asleep. She is just avoiding eye contact as usual.

Jacob and Ali showing how excited they are.

The pool at the hotel was great. It had a kiddie pool and a regular pool right next to each other. I stayed in the kid pool with Emily,
Rylie and Josh while Darren was in the big pool with Ali and Jacob. They could have swam all night

Josh really enjoyed himself. He really didn't need the
floaties since the water was only 1 foot deep.
Here's a video at the pool. I am not sure what happened because I don't think this was all of it. The kids really enjoyed themselves. We were upgraded to a 2 bedroom suite. The kids had their own room (and t.v). We also had a kitchen and living room. We ate
McDonalds in our room which made having the kitchen very handy. Ali said she wanted to live there. I think we might have started something that we won't be able to keep. We will see when conference comes around again.