The weather was wonderful Saturday. It got up to 24 degrees and so we decided to take the kids outside for some fun while Emily took her nap. We have a hill in our backyard that is great for sledding for the younger kids and a larger steeper hill on the side of our house that is fun for the older ones. It is great in the winter (I am not so sure about the summer months).

We also have a large enough yard that the kids could pretty much do anything they want. We all wrote notes in the snow,

climbed up the huge piles of snow from shoveling (that is our mailbox next to Joshua),

dug snow forts,

ate snow,

made snow angels and also hid behind forts to avoid snowballs. Jacob insisted he was just too hot to keep his hat on. He is only 12 and he thinks he is invincible (we are in big trouble).

Alison is helping Darren shovel the driveway.

And even Darren and I had a few turns down the hill.

We had so much fun. Now the temps are back down to zero. We will have to wait a little longer to do this again.