Yesterday was
Rylie's birthday. We celebrated on Saturday along with Sunday. Since the we couldn't think of a single meal that
Rylie likes we decided to buy pizza on Saturday and eat outside on Sunday. We played games and opened presents outside also. She really likes being outside.

All she ate was the chips. That was no surprise.

I went to buy all the candies to make a cake and realized it was cheaper to buy cupcakes from the bakery.
Rylie didn't mind and I didn't have to spend hours making the cake. Bonus!

It was too windy for the candles to be lit but
Rylie didn't really notice. She still blew and thought she had blown out the candles.

The frosting is her favorite part.

Grandma and Grandpa Burgess sent a card with money.

They also gave her a Rainbow fish video. Our machine ate our last one. She was very excited to see this. We did watch it that night.

Darren and I got her this Disney princess scooter. (Which Ali likes and wants to ride more than

And also this coupe. She was very excited about this. She has been eyeing the neighbor's car for quite a while. Happy Birthday