We started potty training Rylie on January 21st. I was going to wait for Emily to be ready, but I had to take the small window of time that Rylie was actually showing interest. Unfortunately, she has not improved at all. She is just not getting it. I will keep trying as long as she will cooperate but it is very stressful and very time consuming. Hopefully one day it will just click. She insisted on getting a pink potty that sings and also getting polk-a-dot underwear (not easy to find) because of a Mercer Meyer book I gave her for Christmas. Emily sits on her potty when Rylie does, but doesn't like me to take off her diaper. The first day they sat and drank and had snacks and watch a lot of movies. They thought it was fun.

This picture was cute of Rylie I had to include it (not so cute of Emily).

Here is a video of Rylie spending some time on her potty.
Untitled from Stacie Jensen on Vimeo.