Our weekend did not turn out as we had planned. Rylie woke up Saturday morning (May 23rd) with the flu. She was the sickest she has ever been. She could not keep anything down for a little over 3 days. She was so weak she had a hard time holding up her head. She is finally better and is going in for her surgery/dental work this Thursday (June 4)

Alison played outside all day on Memorial day. Darren took them to a ward activity at the park for lunch. She then played the rest of the day outside with the neighbors. I was so busy with Rylie I did not think about Sunscreen. That night she was showing signs of sunstroke. She slept off and on all day Tuesday with a head ache and didn't eat very much. We didn't know if it was the same thing Rylie had but realized what it was when she felt fine the next day.

Poor Josh started with the flu that Rylie had on Friday night (May 29) at the Fathers and sons camp out. Sleeping in a tent with the flu was not fun for him or Darren. He is still sick and we hope he will be better very soon. We are hoping no one else gets this because we have Ryan and Heather's family and Dad coming on Saturday. Cross you fingers.

Yucky! I hate having sick kids. Everything in life stops until they are all better. I'm glad they are feeling better now! Have fun with your company.