Saturday, August 15, 2009

My Friday

Emily is now insisting to try to feed herself. If I try to give her a bite she grabs the spoon from me or keeps her hands by her mouth to immediately put them in her mouth with the food. She is becoming a messy eater!

I was upstairs exchanging Emily's clothes to the next size and I guess Rylie was hungry (even though she already ate breakfast 30 minutes before) and dumped the Kix cereal on the family room floor. Josh decided to help her clean up and started eating them with her. I was busy and let them have at them. I was amazed how much they ate by the time I was done with the clothes.

Later that afternoon the I pulled out the small pool for the younger kids (Josh is afraid of the "big" pool). They had fun. Rylie loves water. Emily fell down a couple of times and didn't like it after that.

By the end of the day Every one needed baths.


  1. So cute. I love the picture of the younger ones in the pool.

  2. Oh so cute! Please e-mail me that picture.
