We had our Ward Christmas Party 2 weeks ago. Jacob, I guess, is too old for Santa. He stayed in the gym and wouldn't even go into the room where Santa was to even has his picture taken. I asked him how Santa would know what to bring him and he said " Oh Santa knows. He knows when you are asleep or awake and knows is you are bad or good. HE knows what I want!" That ended our discussion.

Josh was scared to death. He would not sit on his lap. He stood long enough for us to get a picture and quickly moved to get his candy cane. Then he remembered he didn't tell Santa what he wanted and ran back and said "a transformer" and ran away.

Alison was very excited to see Santa. She has been frightened in the past and mentioned a couple of times on the way that this year she was trying not to be scared. She hesitated at first then was okay. She is definitely posing for the camera. She wants a Littlest Pet Shop Adoption Center.

Look at this picture. She is looking at the camera again! Yeah! Rylie was so cute with Santa. She wanted to be with Santa and could not stand in line. We had to hold her back. When she got up to him she just started jabbering away. Who knows all the things she was saying but she was very excited. After he put her down she went and got her candy cane and went back to show him and talk some more. She would have stayed with him all night. Every Sunday when we walk into church she asks where Santa is. I have to show her the room every week and tell her he went home to get the toys ready for Christmas. I don't think she will ever forget he was there.

Little Emily. I love this picture. She of coarse was TERRIFIED. We told Santa before hand that she was going to cry but we wanted her picture. We're such great parents!
Mason didn't want to sit on Santa either. The kids look cute.