Darren's birthday was Sunday. I feel bad because he didn't have that great of a day. With day light savings it really effected our schedule. I have Ward Counsel at 7:30 am so Darren had to get all the kids ready for church. Then, he didn't even get to relax in priesthood because he had Emily (I substituted in Ali's class). I did make him a nice steak dinner. It was also really good weather so we went for a walk. He just didn't get to relax as much as he should have. There's always next year.

Ali made Darren this crown for his birthday. Darren had donuts instead of cake. Big surprise there.

Day light savings really did havoc on Emily. She fell asleep during church for a few minutes. Then fell asleep on the drive home. She woke up as soon as we took her out of the van. Then wouldn't take her nap. I put her in her highchair with a snack so I could make dinner and she fell asleep for half an hour. Then wouldn't go to sleep that night. She still isn't back on a regular schedule. I wish they would just do away with changing the clock!
It's too bad his birthday was on such a busy Sunday and Daylight savings. Happy Birthday Darren!