Today was the day of the Ward Easter Egg Hunt, and I was in charge of it. The kids helped me fill a little over 600 eggs. We had about 60 kids show up. Next year, if I am still the Ward Activity Chairman, we will have to do more. I took Ali and Jacob with me to hide the eggs at a park close to the church. They thought that was fun but it was much colder than we expected. The whole week was 70 degrees, but today it was 42 degrees with a wind chill of 20 degrees. One person said that one year they had to find eggs on top of snow. All the kids loved it.
After we came home we put Emily down for a nap and colored eggs.
Jacob mixed colors
Ali gave detail.
Josh covered his eggs with stickers.
Rylie had fun making plain, but colorful eggs.
We figured out that we can watch conference on the computer last year. This year we put a baby monitor in the office so we could listen to conference while we ate lunch. We had a fun day.

Fun Easter traditions!