Last year we had some birds make a nest above our garage door. We knocked it down every day for a week. I cannot believe these birds could build a nest in one day. After that first week we figured we were not going to persuade these birds to choose a different location. It was not fun to clean up their droppings off of our driveway but it didn't bother us too much. This year while on vacation in Utah for a month those same birds came back and built in the same place. But not only that, a second nest was built by our front door under our porch! I think it was their babies from last year. Now anytime someone comes to our door these birds swoop down and try to attack them. Our kids can't play in the front yard without these birds trying to scare them away. They had babies which was fun for us to watch but now next year will we have 3 nests? I heard that if we put foil along our house next year they won't stay. We will see. Here is the nest on our porch.
I can't tell what kind of birds they are. Do you know? I DO like the color of your shutters! Those nests could be used for some kind of science project in the future. . .Marilyn