We went to Windsor Beach while in Colorado. We had lunch and played. Emily doesn't like sand so the only way I could put her down was to give her food. She then fell asleep in the stroller for the rest of the time.

All the kids enjoyed the sand. Here Jacob, Nathaniel and Jordan and starting the large hole. By the end they were all sitting in it and it was deep enough water was filling up in it.

My sister Marilee and nephew Nathaniel. Aren't they cute?

Rylie and Mason had a great time together. They would sit in this exact spot, then get up and run across the beach to the grass area, then run back to this spot and sit a spell. This entertained them for a while.

My little nephew Noah.

Alison, Joshua and Mason are all very serious about bringing up water to fill the hole.

Darren and Rylie enjoying the cool water.

We all enjoyed ourselves. We didn't realize that the new sunscreen I had purchase did not work until later that evening. Everyone was sunburned quite badly. We now know not to buy that brand.
This was fun and free. We'll have to go again soon.