The kids (mainly Joshua) did not sleep very well on our vacation so this is rare to see them actually asleep. While there Joshua had an allergic reaction and ended having to go to the hospital for a breathing treatment.

We had a talent show one of the nights. Everyone did something. Rylie sang and hit the keys on the piano.

Kristi and I did our talent of picking up things with our toes. Hey, I think it is a talent!

Jacob and Jordan practices several times for their number. They came out looking like this and Jacob burped the ABC's while Jordan made rapping noises. They were very entertaining and as you can see they had a blast doing it. They really showed their personality.

After the acts we turned on music and danced. Emily really enjoyed that.

The kids also played in water. Here Ali and Lexi are trying to dry off.

Joshua, Rylie and Mason are enjoying the pool.

They also had a sprinkler under the tramp. Here Jacob, Jordan and Kaylee are cooling off.

We had a theme for everyday we were there. We tried to match the menu and activities with that days theme. On creative day we gave the kids a whole bunch of item to make anything they wanted.

Here are some of their inventions.

This one Jacob and Darren worked on together. They took turns adding something to the page and this is how it turned out. Very creative. Like Father like Son.

We also went to the park. Here Lexi, Josh and Ali pose for a picture.

There was a lot of small gravel for the kids to play in. I don't know why this little table was in the center. Only thing we could think of is for the kids to pour rocks all over it (which did entertain them and also Darren).

Of course, if there is a tree, Jacob is in it.

We really enjoyed spending time with the Farr family.
This was fun! I can't wait until we can come to your house to visit. I wish the theme idea was a little more organized, but it seemed to go by so fast.