Sunday, April 3, 2011

Alison's Baptism

Alison was baptized on March 26th 2011. It was a very special day. It was nice to have only Alison being baptized. She chose the whole program. She chose mom to play the piano, Joshua lead the music, Jacob and Grandma Burgess give the talks, Grandpa Burgess and her close friend Maggie say the prayers and of coarse Darren baptize and confirm her. Alison even sang a solo as a musical number. The spirit was strong and everyone did a great job! Alison got a new dress. She was given several gifts. This is Alison holding her new scriptures and hymn book. Here is Alison practicing her solo before the baptism.
This is Jacob, Joshua, Emily and Rylie waiting for the baptism to start.
Alison and Darren before the baptism. She was so excited.

Joshua practicing leading the music.
Jacob practicing his talk.
We even was able to get a family picture taken. Too bad Emily was not looking at the camera.
Jacob recorded Alison practicing her solo. Joshua was also practicing leading at the same time.

Untitled from Stacie Jensen on Vimeo.


  1. Oh my many comments on this post. First of all....YOU LOOK GREAT!!!!! Maybe I didn't see a picture of you before. Darren looks great too. So awesome! Secondly...Alison was SOOOO CUTE in that song. She did a great job. She has a beautiful voice. Please tell her for me. And thirdly...I about laughed my pants off seeing Joshua lead. He is so cute.

  2. It was a great day. Alison even did better on the song at her performance. She was wonderful and made all of us cry.
    Everyone did a wonderful job. Josh was a very serious song leader and did very well. Jacob gave a super talk on baptism. Darren was perfect.
    Who is that darling, skinny lady! Oh yes, that is do look GREAT! Good job.
    Dad and I were so thankful to be able to be there with you!

  3. What a great day for your family! You sure look cute in the family photo! Marilyn
