Friday, November 13, 2009


Here are my little monsters!

Jacob saw this woopie cushion costume and had to have it. He wore it to our ward Halloween party and every boy and man loved it (they never grow up). All the rest of the costumes we already owned. One good thing about moving here is that no one has seen these costumes before so Ali felt it was okay to be a witch again this year.

This costume was made by a friend of mine for Jacob when he was almost one. I think Emily is the only one that has been the right size to wear it. It guess it pays to have a lot of children.

My kids had a great time trick-or-treating. We had great weather and they got tons of candy. They had to of course come home and organize it and do a little trading.

This doesn't even include Rylie's candy. Needless to say, we still have candy. I am going to have to throw some away. I hate candy, but I think I have had some almost everyday because it's here.

1 comment:

  1. That's too bad that you hate candy. I love it! Cute pics. Emily looks so cute as a skunk!
